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Baseball in the Twilight Zone

Baseball in the Twilight Zone

TBS found their way into the anals (mispelling intentional) of sports history last night by bringing us “The Steve Harvey Game” when a router went bad in their Atlanta, rendering them technically unable to show the pregame or first inning of the Red Sox vs. Tampa Rays game 6 ALCS series. A few random observations:

Way Too Early for Chilled Champagne…

Way Too Early for Chilled Champagne…

Last night the cardiac kids on the Red Sox were pronounced dead by virtually everyone.  Unfortunately for those who’ve bought the Tampa Bay Rays fairy tale story, the Sox didn’t have the decency to lay down and die.  They did what winners do: win. By the end of the second inning last night, most of the fair weather fans had given up on the Sox.  Dice  was getting rocked and it seemed like the game would go the way of…

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