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Tag: Chris Brogan

New Post on Dad-o-Matic – “Ward Cleaver Did Us Wrong”

New Post on Dad-o-Matic – “Ward Cleaver Did Us Wrong”

I’ve joined Chris Brogan’s group Dad blog at and my first post is up.   Dadomatic itself is an interesting effort, as Chris has brought together a very intersting group of dads to cover a range of topics.  Personally, I’m looking forward to bringing the voice of the regular down to earth dad.  Anyone can tell you that while I may try my hardest, I’m no Super Dad.   This post actually starts off by attacking the myth of…

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The True Gold of Blogging – Link Relevance

The True Gold of Blogging – Link Relevance

Throughout new media, we keep hearing one term over and over again: relevance.  The ad networks seek to provide relevant ads, we try to provide relevant content, we all seek relevent metrics to judge our success. Merriam-Webster defines relevance as: 1 a: relation to the matter at hand b: practical and especially social applicability : pertinence <giving relevance to college courses>2: the ability (as of an information retrieval system) to retrieve material that satisfies the needs of the user Many of the links we get aren’t really relevant.  This…

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