Hagel – Mastering New Marketing
I picked this up from Churbuck.com yesterday. John Hagel on New Marketing – Vario-teers may notice some eery similarities…I agree with his approach.
To start with marketing strategy and again at the risk of over-simplification, conventional marketing is built upon the three “I’s”:
- Intercept – target and expose customers to your message wherever you can find them.
- Inhibit – make it as difficult as possible for the customer to compare your product or service with any other options.
- Isolate – enter into a direct relationship with the customer and, wherever possible, remove all third parties from the relationship.
While new marketing:
I describe this marketing approach “collaboration marketing” and define it in terms of three “A’s”:
- Attract – create incentives for people to seek you out.
- Assist – the most powerful way to attract people is to be as helpful and engaging with them as possible – this requires a deep understanding of the various contexts in which people might use your products and a willingness to “co-create” products with customers.
- Affiliate – mobilize third parties, including other customers, to become even more helpful to the people you interact with.