I’ve Been Tagged – 5 Things You Don’t Know About Me
by John
Blog tagging is when one blogger posts on an issue and tags (“you’re it”) other bloggers to have them post on a theme. This one is “5 Things You Don’t Know About Me.” Think of a blog chain letter.
- My now defunct “Fishing New England” website used what has become a standard blog format…in 1995. So I can argue with some validity to have been one of the first blogger.
- I once owned a company that sold Women’s Fashion Accessiories – primarily a thing called a Scarf Tube – which we were able to sell in great numbers through QVC Network. (Note: the picture isn’t our product, but ours was similar.) They were a QC nightmare – they tended to snag on silk – hence we had to do 150% QC – every product checked once, half of them checked twice. The business ended when my ex-wife and I split up – she did sales, I did production and that’s like gasoline and matches for a relationship. My experience is probably the stuff of a full article for the future.
- I hate licorice, but love baklava.
- I’m into SciFi, my favorites over the past couple years are “Battlestar Galactica”, “Blade” (the series), “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”, and “Babylon 5”. I’m also partial to the Fox series “House.”
- I’ve got a technolthriller you’ve never read. Maybe I’ll pdf it and send it to one of the vanity presses so you can…although the new movie “Blood Diamonds” might steal it’s thunder. The title of my manuscript is “Blue Ice.”
A couple random things:
- I used to tape Grateful Dead shows.
- I was first mate on a charter boat in Milazzo, Sicily.
- I was for a time a certified nuclear grade air balance technician.
- My grandfather was a life-long Linotype operator. I work for the company that developed the system that killed the Linotype.
- My parents first date was at a Dave Brubeck concert at Dad’s frat at the University of Pennsylvania, where they had to sit under the piano. I was able to relate the story to Brubeck himself when I met him while going to school at the University of Vermont.
(edit: Matthew points out quite correctly that it’s chain mail – not a nice thing to do to friends. As he says: ” If you want to know something new about me, it’s that I really object to chain letters. “)
So if you blog and feel like picking up the topic, which is great (I love to talk about me!) then feel free…