Redefining an Industry – USDA Looks at Chocolate

Redefining an Industry – USDA Looks at Chocolate

Hint: If you need to redefine your industry to be competetive, you may have a broken business model.An interesting post on notes that the USDA is considering changing their rules on what may and may not be considered “chocolate” in the US. 

The US Food and Drug Administration is considering redefining ‘chocolate’ to allow substitution of vegetable oil ($0.70/lb.) for cocoa butter ($2.30/lb.), and whey protein for dry whole milk. There are already standard terms to differentiate these products from chocolate, such as ‘chocolatey’ and ‘chocolate-flavored.’

For my part, I’ll say that my version of what is and what is not chocolate is fairly straight forward.  Pretty much anything with a bar code on it doesn’t fit my standard.  My bet is that even if this does pass, people are going to know the difference.  Really, try a Lindt some time vs. the stuff from that town in Pennsylvania

It’s like the difference between Sierra Nevada Pale Ale (or even better a fine homebrew) and Miller Lite…but the real point here is this: if you need to redefine your industry to be competetive, you may have a broken business model.

3 thoughts on “Redefining an Industry – USDA Looks at Chocolate

  1. Agree once you trade up to a better chocolate )ie DOVE, Lindt), there is no room in your life for Hershey’s brown concoction.

  2. Okay, I will fess up…I have been known to grab a Snickers or two from the office candy drawer mid-afternoon when there aren’t any Lindts around.

    Hmmm…it’s almost mid-afternoon…;-)

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