SEOmoz on LinkBaiting
Here’s the Whiteboard Friday Video of April 19,2007 from SEOmoz with Rand Fishkin. This really ties together the notion that good content gets good links, as well as explaining the matrix of SEO linking that most SEO firms will go through to get better rankings for you. Basically, the strategy is to get some good content that will go viral, driving traffic back to you. Perhaps content still is king. As you listen, think about your blog as well, and what develops traffic for you.
Let’s also think about how the SEOmoz video (which they do every Friday) is good example of exactly that type of linkbaiting, with the exception that the video is available on YouTube, hence the link is directed there, not at their own site. Still, they’ve gone even a step beyond, by creating content which I will be returning to on a regular schedule to look for the next installment.
The Golden Rules of Linkbaiting ( links to pretty much everything ever written on the subject)
Andy Hagans’ Ultimate Guide to Linkbaiting and SMM
Offline Linkbaiting: It’s So Easy A Caveman Could Do It (And What Every SEO Should Learn From Tiger Woods)