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Tag: iphone

Must Read – Cory Doctorow on Illegal filesharing: A suicide note from the music industry

Must Read – Cory Doctorow on Illegal filesharing: A suicide note from the music industry

Cory Doctorow’s article in the (it’s British, so the law doesn’t necessarily apply to the Americans in the crowd…) has an outrageously good look at how the record industry blew it  with their incredibly transparent and stupendously idiotic plan to stop music piracy. This month’s announcement of a back-room deal between ISPs (internet service providers) and the big record companies to spy on suspected copyright infringers and reduce the quality of their internet connections is just the latest paragraph…

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A week of Iphone trouble and general nuisances

A week of Iphone trouble and general nuisances

After careful consideration, I have decided my Iphone is not a smartphone, as much as it is actually an idiot savant phone.  While it does somethings incredibly well, there are others it does marginally, and some it flat out doesn’t do at all. It looks like the release next month of the 3g Iphone will not completely resolve my meager list of needs for the Iphone, so I’d say this is probably really the beta release, whereas v1Iphone would be…

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There may be method to the Apple Madness

There may be method to the Apple Madness

I haven’t tried it yet, but there are reports from many sectors that Apple is offering free wireless access for Iphone users at Starbucks locations. Very strange when you consider that we have Edge network access and generally don’t need a regular wireless network. Here’s the method though: there is a minor hack that will allow PC or Mac users to access for free: all they have to do is fire up Safari and then going to Edit->Advanced checking off…

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Adobe opens FLV and SWF formats

Adobe opens FLV and SWF formats

This is interesting, after so many years, Adobe has decided to open the FLV and SWF formats, which means that we’ll be able to do more interesting things with them now as developers. For those who may not pay attention, pretty much any animation you see on the web is in SWF format, and FLV is what is used almost universally for web-based video players, such as you see with YouTube. Adobe will be removing the licensing restrictions on all…

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