Seth Godin – Sheepwalking
One of the better wake up calls I’ve seen in a long time. Read it at Seth’s blog…then think about those around you. Do you hear the sound of grass being nibbled? Is there a faint sound of bleating eminating from the other cubes?
I define “sheepwalking” as the outcome of hiring people who have been raised to be obedient and giving them a braindead job and enough fear to keep them in line.
You’ve probably encountered someone who is sheepwalking.
Resolve with me now not to play the sheep today – stretch your arms and embrace your inner wolf. Make things happen and stop accepting the status quo…
Seth notes that he may be too harsh – I can tell you he’s, if anything, not harsh enough. I’m tired of seeing people who (as I’m known to characterize them) are simply waiting to die. Make a mark…