Web Design and Engineering Posts at CahillDigital.com

Web Design and Engineering Posts at CahillDigital.com


I’ve started blogging on my new company site – http://cahilldigital.com so you will definitely want to add that to your reading list.  My last post was about Responsive Design, Retina Displays and their importance in new site development.  The title is “Welcome to Retina-stan.”

Meanwhile in the present day, designers have to deal with a web that requires a “responsive” design – on that by using media queries will present the appropriate css 3 styles to a browser, be it on a phone, tablet, laptop or whatever. Essentially, we’ve created a variable driven CSS; one of the things we realized virtually from the outset of CSS that was missing.  Say good bye to those funky old conditional comments calls that allowed use to work around that failing.

Now we have retinal displays, which unlike the phones and tablets that require different widths and sizes, actually changes the pixel density of the images and fonts that are presented.  It’s all pretty cool, but honestly, its also more work if you want to do it right.

As usual, a post packed full of useful development goodness, but also important for small business owners. Check it out at CahillDigital.com

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